
The 咨询中心 is open 和 available during regular business hours. Current appointments can be in person or through a secure video via WebEx.

该中心为在校学生提供简短的个人和团体咨询,并为教职员工提供咨询. 本中心提供一份机密文件, supportive 和 collaborative environment for open discussion of personal issues. We work towards making positive changes to one's thoughts, 感情。, 的关系, 行为和生活情况.

如需更多资讯和服务, 参观经验咨询中心.

请预约 email 或致电563-333-6423. We will schedule a 30-minute intake appointment to initiate services.

问. 听. 请参考.

问. 听. 请参考.


Experiencing a suicidal crisis can feel unsettling, painful, 和 overwhelming. 通过这次培训, 你会学到自杀的警告信号, 在这种情况下该怎么办, 以及如何帮助处于危机中的人.



  • 简短的个人咨询课程-我们可以使用简短的治疗模式为学生提供一学期多达6次的咨询课程. 他们在辅导员的办公室里, one-on-one working on the goals we set in our assessment session at the beginning. 会议是免费和保密的. We also have walk-in hours during the week where you can buzz-in for a session. 
  • 为教师和工作人员提供咨询-我们很乐意为在课堂上挣扎的学生提供咨询,或者帮助您为帮助陷入困境的学生做好准备. We can also help you find a local therapist through your insurance. 
  • 药物滥用筛查和转诊-我们能够评估您的使用情况,并找到当地或家乡的机构可以帮助您进行治疗. 
  • 转诊到适当的医疗机构, 精神病学, 或在需要时提供心理服务-我们不会通过我们的办公室开处方. 我们可以帮助你, 通过使用你的保险, 找当地的处方医生或竞技宝app下载治疗师来帮助你进行更强的治疗. 
  • 为ARC或ESA住宿转介到适当的医疗提供者-我们不提供ARC住宿或ESA(包括客房住宿)的文书工作。. 我们可以帮助你 find a local provider or one back home through your insurance. 
  • 心理教育计划——我们的一位顾问会主持生活教练研讨会,在那里你可以参与并了解与大学生有关的不同主题. 我们也可以到教室、团队或俱乐部进行教育项目.
  • 我们也提供问.听.请参考, which is an online program to help to learn how to help someone in distress.
  • 24小时本地移动危机处理单元访问-我们在爱荷华州东部设有一个本地危机处理单元,为我们的学生提供服务. 他们全天候待命.  You can also use the national line 988, through call or text, to talk to someone. 
  • 你可浏览我们的 虚拟镇静蜂巢 where we have different coping skill activities 和 videos you can access here.

If you prefer to receive professional counseling off campus, we will be happy to refer you to or identify appropriate agencies, 中心或私人医生.



联邦和州法律以及职业道德标准禁止披露您提供给我们的任何信息,除非我们得到您的书面同意. 因此,如果St. 竞技宝app下载安装的官员或你的父母或其他人应该询问你在这里的接待服务, 未经您的书面许可,我们不能透露您的任何信息. 话虽如此,保密法律和标准也有一些例外,如下:

  • 如果你的辅导员认为你或其他人有明显且迫在眉睫的伤害危险, 你的辅导员有法律义务通知有关当局和其他人,以防止伤害的发生. This information would be disclosed only to appropriate professional workers, 必要的大学和公共机构, a potential victim of aggression or the client's family.
  • If you provide information indicating that someone under 18 years old is being abused, your counselor is legally required to notify proper authorities.
  • In rare cases, a court may order your counselor to disclose information about you.
  • 如果你未满17岁半, your parents or legal guardian may have access to your treatment records.
  • When the client requires hospitalization for severe psychological problems, 自杀的念头或企图, 或者其他威胁生命的问题. 在这些情况下, the counselor must notify the client's parents or spouse, 学生主任, 和, 如果客户住在学生宿舍, appropriate members of the residence life staff. 只有相关的, limited 和 necessary information will be shared with these individuals, who are always notified whenever a serious medical emergency arises with a student.

在上述情况下, 咨询师会, whenever possible first discuss the disclosure of information with the client. 咨询师将提供披露信息是适当和必要的原因,并试图获得客户的许可. The client 和 counselor may jointly be involved in sharing the information.  然而, 如果客户没有给予许可, 咨询师会 proceed to release the information without the client's consent. 在一些紧急情况下, 在实际披露信息之前,可能没有机会与客户讨论信息的披露.

在未来的某个时候,你可能会被外部机构或雇主要求签署一份允许该机构或雇主审查你的治疗记录的声明. 这是可能发生的, for example if you apply for health 和 life insurance, or if you apply for licensure or certification in some professions, or if you apply for employment in agencies that require a security clearance. 在这些情况下, 辅导员将首先尝试与您联系,了解您希望向请求方披露哪些信息.



  1. To ask questions about your counselor's professional qualifications 和 experience.
  2. 积极参与有关咨询目标和策略的决策,拒绝任何你不同意的目标或策略.
  3. 和你的辅导员一起看你的档案. Please note that we use Titanium Schedule, an electronic records system. 这个程序中的所有文件都在一个安全的服务器上,具有很高的安全性,以保护您的信息.
  4. To have your counseling experience remain confidential within certain limits.
  5. 随时结束咨询.



咨询中心是圣. 竞技宝app下载安装学生正在寻求帮助,以解决个人问题,了解自己和与他人的关系.

圣. 竞技宝app下载安装咨询中心位于罗加尔斯基中心的二楼, 毗邻卫生服务处.

The 咨询中心 maintains strict confidentiality. You do not need consent or pre-approval from anyone to receive services. The center operates independently of faculty or administrative offices, although we partner closely with many SAU offices. 有一些注意事项,没有您的签字同意,任何信息都不能泄露给任何人.

任命 can be made by calling 563-333-6423, in-person at the 咨询中心 on the second floor of the Rogalski Center, 或者通过email 咨询Center@dektinary.com.

咨询服务对所有圣. 竞技宝app下载安装的学生.


学生可以单独上课, 团体治疗, 研讨会, 一次一次的预约, 药物滥用筛查, 和推荐. 我们的个人课程和预约使用简短的治疗模式,由于来我们办公室的学生数量有限. Workshops, screenings, 和推荐 are unlimited. 另外, 我们提供适当的医疗服务, 精神病学, 或者根据需要提供心理服务. We are available to faculty 和 staff for group presentations, 研讨会, 和 information to support mental health initiatives.

What kinds of issues do you deal with at the 咨询中心?
以下是咨询中心处理的一些情况的例子:与他人的关系, 压力管理, 焦虑的问题, 家庭关系, 孤独, 夫妻冲突, 性取向问题, 抑郁症, 问题习惯或行为, 酒精或药物筛查, 以及学业和社会适应.

If I come to the 咨询中心, does it mean something is wrong with me?
On the contrary; from time to time all of us experience difficulties in our daily lives. 当这些困难出现时, 它们有时会成为绊脚石,影响我们与他人的关系或阻止我们实现自己的能力, 潜力和目标. The 咨询中心 is staffed with licensed, professional counselors who can be of assistance in sorting out issues. The emphasis in counseling is not to provide pat answers or to make decisions for you. 而, it is a cooperative effort that explores new insights or ways of thinking, 选择, 和 possible new directions to improve your quality of life.

What if I am hesitant about coming for an appointment on my own? Is it appropriate for someone to accompany me?
当然. 有些情况下,一个朋友, 室友, suitemate, Resident Advisor or Hall Director accompanies a student for their initial appointment.

What if I have a concern about a friend or suitemate? Can I seek the services of the 咨询中心 for advice on that type of matter?
我们随时为您提供咨询. Consider approaching your Resident Advisor or Hall Director with your concerns. 如果您担心对自己或他人造成伤害,请立即拨打333-6104与保安联系.


The 咨询中心 employs a staff member whose role is outreach 和 prevention. They present information to campus on a small- 和 large-group scale. 他们也有办公时间和小组活动,以建立联系并提供有关心理健康的教育.  在读学生可以访问我们的 体验页面,也可以访问我们的 虚拟镇静蜂巢 应对技能活动.

The SAU 咨询中心 collaborates with local businesses on different occasions. Here are a few examples of our partnerships:

  • 我们带来了 爱荷华东部危机系统 to campus during 咨询 events 和 distribute their information throughout campus. 这是一项免费且保密的服务,为该地区提供全天候心理健康咨询.
  • 我们一直在与斯科特县儿童基金会合作,为教职员工提供心理健康急救培训.
  • Each fall we organize a Mental Health Fair where local providers, 校园部门, 学生俱乐部/活动设立了信息和活动摊位,帮助提高人们对心理健康需求的认识. 另外, we get area businesses involved by asking them to donate give-aways/swag.
  • 我们带到校园的当地供应商包括Quad Cities犬类援助网络公司. (治疗的狗), 全国精神疾病联盟(NAMI), 艾米的礼物, 和 Family Resources (specifically  male advocates, 凶杀受害人, 以及暴力犯罪危机服务和平台,提高人们对家庭暴力的认识).



Dr. 莎拉•奥利弗, LISW, LCSW,主任

米兰达服饰业, MSW LISW,护理协调员


导演莎拉·E. 奥利弗,博士,LISW, LCSW

518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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